Essential Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Chemically speaking, Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have their first double bond in the third position of the molecule. From a more practical point of view, they are a group of fatty acids that are vital for our bodies to function optimally.
Unfortunately, our bodies are not capable of producing sufficient Omega-3 fatty acids on their own, particularly in the Western diet that floods the body with competing, less healthy fats. Thus, we depend on diet and supplementation to get the necessary Omega-3 fatty acids into our bodies. The most important Omega-3 fatty acids based on clinical data and over thousands of published scientific papers, are EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), and DPA (Docosapentaenoic Acid). These Omega-3 fatty acids are most abundantly found in oily fish such as sardine, anchovy, salmon & mackerel. Omega-3s oils can also be found from other marine sources such as algae which are becoming increasingly more popular for vegan and vegetarian diets.

The Omega-3 industry generally sources its fish oil from sardine and anchovy fisheries. Other specialty sources include salmon, cod, and tuna. KD Nutra® sources its oil from many regions and fish across this globe. This important factor is essential to the ongoing success of KD Nutra® and its valued customers. By responsibly fishing multiple areas and sources, KD Nutra® ensures an adequate supply chain and variety in our product set.
The most abundant source of oil for KD Nutra® comes from sardines and anchovies from the warm waters of Chile and Peru. When these abundant fish are caught, the protein is separated from the oil. The remaining protein or fish meal is then sold to the fish farm industry as food.
The left-over oil generally referred to as 18/12 or 30% oil, is again used in large part for the animal feed industry. Each marine oil source has a different make up and concentration of omega 3 fatty acids. Approximately 10% of the oil is sold to the Omega-3 industry to be further processed into purified high concentrate Omega-3 fish oil for the pharmaceutical, supplement and food industries. A standard 18/12 or 30% fish oil breaks down as follows:
- 30% Omega-3 fats or approximately 18% EPA & 12% DHA
- 30% Saturated fats
- 30% Monounsaturated fats
- 10% Other fats such as Omega-6 and cholesterol
The ability to efficiently separate the Omega-3 fatty acids from the remaining lipids is a key step in producing high quality Omega-3 fish oil for use in pharmaceuticals, supplements and foods. Twenty-five years of separation technology expertise is what has made KD Nutra one of the most trusted names and the Omega-3 Solution Experts.
Where does the KD Pharma Group get its Omega3-fish oil?
It is always easier to produce great quality products when you start with good quality ingredients. At KD Nutra®, we use fish oil from all over the world. With cod from the Bering Sea, tuna, sardine, anchovy and mackerel from around the world, KD Nutra® ensures that each customer has the ability to craft a unique and individual product from a robust and diverse supply chain.
Not only does KD Nutra® manage a diverse supply chain, but each supplier of fish oil has successfully undergone a stringent qualification procedure by our quality assurance department to ensure only the best quality is received into KD Nutra®’s facilities. Once received, each batch of oil is tested multiple times at the beginning, middle and end of manufacturing. Thanks to the rigorous audit process and quality of our suppliers, KD Nutra® and the KD Pharma Group of companies has also been recognized by Friend of the Sea® (FOS) with its sustainability certificate.

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Essential because our bodies need them to function optimally. Unfortunately, our bodies are not capable of producing sufficient amounts of these Omega-3 fatty acids on their own, particularly in the context of the Western diet that floods the body with competing, less healthy fats.
As a result, we depend on our diet to get the necessary Omega-3 fatty acids into our bodies. These two fatty acids work together in human health. DHA helps with cell membrane structure and assists in normal growth and development*. While both EPA and DHA participate in key pathways of the immune system where they control key processes that support our health*. Together they provide a number of important health benefits throughout our lifetime. Scientific data has shown that DHA is also found in breastmilk and highly concentrated in the in the brain and eyes and involved in quality of vision.**
Recently, another Omega-3 fatty acid, DPA (Docosapentaenoic Acid) has been discussed more frequently in the scientific community, as a very potent Omega-3 fatty acid. Previously thought to convert into EPA and DHA, we are now learning it has very distinct functions in the body*. For example, research has shown that DPA is also present in breast milk and plays an important role in cardiovascular and metabolic disease.*** All three of these polyunsaturated fats play an important role in the functioning of our bodies
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

There are many types of fatty acids that the human body uses. These polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are classified based on where the first double bond is positioned in the chain, position 3 for Omega-3s, position 6 for Omega-6 and so on.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3s are considered essential and must be consumed through diet or supplementation, as humans are unable to produce them at significant levels on their own.
Omega-6 fatty acids like arachidonic acid (ARA) can be found in significant amounts in meat and meat products. Another omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), found in oil from Borage or Evening Primrose also has important functions within the body*. It is interesting to note that while both Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are important to the body, our dietary choices favor Omega-6 fatty acids. This imbalance has been suggested as an important factor in human health causing many health organizations to recommend higher Omega-3 consumption.
Omega-7 fatty acids, of which the most common is palmitoleic acid, can be found in Macadamia nuts and sea buckthorn, as well as fish oils. Palmitoleic acid seems to have beneficial effects on satiety and helping to manage hunger*.
Omega-9 fatty acids are well known in the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil consists of approximately 70% Oleic acid, an Omega-9 fatty acid. Lesser known is gondonic acid, the main component of jojoba oil.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Together EPA & DHA play a critical role in our cell development, growth and maintenance. Scientist are increasingly aware of the importance the balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s have in health. Low consumption of Omega-3 and high consumption of Omega-6 are linked to health status.
Omega-3 EPA & DHA are necessary for several important body functions, such as:
- Essential building blocks for our brain, eyes and nerves*
- Building cell membranes in our brain*
- Immune system support*
- Support normal blood lipid profiles*
- Supports normal brain function*
Thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers showing positive health benefits have been conducted on Omega-3 EPA & DHA. Many of these studies indicate that these vital nutrients may be of importance by themselves or in combination with other nutrients to support normal body functions:
- Cardiovascular health*
- Immune system functions*
- Normal neural development and function*
The following health claims for EPA and DHA have been approved by The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Commission Regulation (EU) 1924/2006 and 432/2012):
- DHA and EPA contribute to the normal function of the heart (0.25 g per day)
- DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure (3 g per day)
- DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels (2 g per day)
- DHA contributes to maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels (2 g per day in combination with EPA)
- DHA contributes to maintenance of normal brain function (0.25 g per day)
- DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision (0.25 g per day)
- DHA maternal intake contributes to the normal brain development of the fetus and breastfed infants (0.2 g DHA plus the daily recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA+DHA for adults which is 0.25 g per day).
- DHA maternal intake contributes to the normal development of the eye of the fetus and breastfed infants (0.2 g DHA plus the daily recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA+DHA) for adults which is 0.25 g per day).
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
US Food and Drug Administration EPA and DHA Health Claims
In 2019, the FDA approved the use of certain qualified health claims on foods and dietary supplements containing the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA relating to their ability to reduce the risk of hypertension and coronary heart disease, as well as lower blood pressure.*
Products with health claims must contain at least 0.8 g EPA and DHA (combined total) per serving, which the FDA observed to lower blood pressure in limited studies they evaluated.
*Petition for a Health Claim for Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic (fda.gov)

The examination of the human diet and its evolution reveals that up until the early 1900’s, the human diet only contained about 25% total fat. Since that era, eating habits have slowly begun to change, a result of the industrialization and commercialization of our food supply and rapid population growth. Today, the western diet has increased the average fat intake to a staggering high of 40%.
Not only has fat intake drastically increased, but the ratio of saturated fat to polyunsaturated fat has doubled. Humans are now consuming twice as much saturated fat as they once were just a century prior. To make matters worse, the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 has widened. What was once a 1:1 Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio is now a 20:1 Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio. Many believe this shift in our diet puts us at risk for many "western" illnesses. Taking into consideration the change in our Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio and the changes in the immune system response that is created, it is easy to understand the increased risk in chronic disorders of the heart, skin, joints and brain. A 20-fold increase in pro-inflammatory Omega-6 versus Omega-3s is bound to have a negative impact.
It is easy to see that we have two options, decrease our consumption of Omega-6 fats or increase our consumption of Omega-3 fish oil. Fortunately, today we have more options than ever before to include high concentrate Omega-3 fish oil into our diet. Some of the benefits from a properly balanced ratio are:
- Improved blood flow*
- Protection of the blood vessel walls*
- An increase in “good” HDL Cholesterol*
- Helps to maintain a normal heart function*
- Support immune system responses in our joints and skin*
- Positive effects on development, maintenance and performance of our brain, eyesight and nerves.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.